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Clean Eating Brownie Batter Hummus
recipe by Sammi {Grounded & Surrounded Blog}( thank you )

recipe by Sammi {Grounded & Surrounded Blog}( thank you )

This cléân éâting homémâdé récipé mâkés thé pérféct snâck or déssért. Héâlthy, glutén fréé, ând chocolâté- whât moré could you wânt?! It tâstés liké frosting or dârk chocolâté cookié dough! Chickpéâs (gârbânzo béâns), honéy, péânut buttér (nut buttér), ând cocoâ powdér mâké thé most indulgént ând éâsy fruit dip ÉVÉR. Dippérs to usé: bérriés, âpplés, Nillâ wâférs, prétzéls, bânânâ chips!
§ 1 câncânnéd gârbânzo béâns (chickpéâs), drâinéd ând rinséd wéll
§ 1/2 cup honéy
§ 1/2 cup cocoâ powdér
§ 1/3 cup créâmy péânut buttér (or nut buttér)
§ 2 tsp vânillâ éxtrâct
§ 1/8 tsp âlmond éxtrâct
§ 1/8 tsp séâ sâlt
§ 1/4 cup wâtér, âdd in smâll incréménts
§ 1/4 cup mini chocolâté chips (optionâl)
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